Welcome to our community! In Northwood Lake, we cross the street to chat with our neighbors. We learn each other's names. We shake hands and smile. When we see a need, we do our best to fill it. In Northwood Lake, we're neighbors - we live life together.

Your annual assessment allows access to many amenities. We offer two levels of assessment, depending on your activity interests.
The basic mandatory assessment of $200 allows the use of our lake and common areas for fishing, picnics, playground and walking trail. (A seven-dollar fee is added for online payments.)
Lake access points are:
- South lake bank and picnic area with swing and dock on NWL Dr. East (across from the intersection of NWL Dr East and Bayview Court)
- Boat launch and dock at the east side of north lake fingers (intersection of NWL Dr East and Fountain Way)
- North lake fingers at the intersection of Union Chapel between NWL Dr East and NWL Dr West
- Boat slips and dock area at the west lake fingers (close to the intersection of NWL Dr and Mayberry Landing Dr)
Access to Boat Launch and Boat Slips areas requires a gate code. The code is provided upon request.
The recreation assessment of $300 grants access to the areas listed in the basic assessment, along with access to the pool, tennis courts and ball field located at the intersection of Union Chapel & Northwood Lake Drive West (2500 Union Chapel Road).
The pool opens around Memorial Day and closes around Labor Day each year. Pool hours are posted on the website's pool page. We have lifeguards on duty during all pool hours. The pool is also available for private reservations, before or after daily pool hours. Please contact the pool manager for details. We have a Facebook page dedicated to the pool; search for Northwood Lake Pool or go to the bottom of the pool page for direct access.
The ball field is available for use by individuals or for team practice. The ball field is open on a first-come, first-serve basis with priority given to reservations. Please use the ball field reservation page to reserve.
Tennis courts are open on a first-come, first-serve basis; reservations are not required.
Access to all amenities is monitored by inquiry.
If you have questions or concerns email [email protected] or contact one of the board members.
Join our Facebook page at Northwood Lake HOA, Northport, AL; it is also accessible at the bottom of the home page.
Local Utilities
- Spire (800) 292-4008
- Alabama Power (800) 888-2726
- Northport Water Authority (205) 339-7024 Billing office
- Garbage, Curbside waste (leaves, branches, and big items) & Recycling bins - Wednesday